點撃即享多重禮遇:Click to enjoy Exclusive Offers:

換領優惠方法 How to Redeem:

1. 按以下按鈕至 Click below button to Messenger

2. 按「開始使用」 Click 「Get Started」
3. 按 Click「瀏覽所有優惠及網上換領」
4. 挑選優惠及換領 Select Offers & Redeem Online
❗ 如無法開啟Messenger,請按以下按鈕進入相關網頁
❗ If you can’t open Messenger, please click below button to visit the relevant webpage

使用條款 Terms of use:

•供應有限,額滿即止 Valid while supplies last
The merchant who distributed the Exclusive Offers shall under no circumstances be held responsible for its clients’ use of Plantoo
•所有禮遇均受於 www.plantoo.com.hk 內列明的使用條款約束
All the Exclusive Offers are subject to the terms and conditions detailed in www.plantoo.com.hk

For Staff only: